View Profile Tiger951
Likes Tigers and pandas and funny stuff!!! Loves video games.

Age 44, Male

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 4/11/09

Exp Points:
130 / 180
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.75 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Tiger951's News

Posted by Tiger951 - December 24th, 2009

This is a pic of Kakashi from Naruto.
It is probabally my best pic i will ever draw.
If you like it reccomend me.
He is kind of a chibi Kakashi.
I did not color it.

My even newest pic!

Posted by Tiger951 - December 17th, 2009

I have made another pic of toad from mario you should check it out.
And if you havn't seen my pic of Chibi Boy you should look at that to. Also check out Kakashi Hataka
If you like it please reccomend me.

My newest pic

Posted by Tiger951 - December 16th, 2009

Ok i have made a new pic, and deleted my pics that i think are not good OK YOU HAPPY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really would love it if you reccomend me to the art portal.
And if you think that one of my pics need to be deleted tell me and i might.
Here is my pic. I also put in another pic. Check it out.

My new Pic

Posted by Tiger951 - December 9th, 2009

I have posted some pics on newgrounds. But i have to be reccomended into the art portal. I would very much appreciate it if you reccomended me. Oh and yes my pics are not very good.

Posted by Tiger951 - November 23rd, 2009

Why are ppl deleting my posts when they are good posts??? I understand why if i posted a bad comment. But not if i posted a good comment.

Posted by Tiger951 - April 11th, 2009

Another really fun game is portal defenders you should check it out!!!

Posted by Tiger951 - April 11th, 2009

A really fun game is Dad n Me. It is the best beat up game I have ever played!!